Max and MaxForLive

Unlock Your Creative Potential with Max
(Max/MSP/Jitter, MaxForLive, M4L)
Includes 3 Classes:
Max and MaxForLive, Part 1: Producing and Composing with Max
Max and MaxForLive, PArt 2: PRogramming in Max
Max and MaxForLive, Part 3: Controlling Live with MaxForLive

It's time to unleash the full power of Max and create your own "secret weapon" tools for music production!

Designed for those with little or no existing experience working with Max, this sequence of classes is going to be divided into three parts. Part 1 focuses on using max to make music, finding great max patches, engaging with the max community, and understanding the max workflow. Part 2 focuses on the basics of Max programming, and Part 3 gets more advanced and dive in deeper with MaxForLive.
Write your awesome label here.
In this comprehensive class series, you'll discover my personal best tools and learn how to harness them to elevate your music production. Plus, I'll reveal an unlimited source of amazing (and free!) Max projects that you can customize to your heart's content.
Courses included

Max and MaxForLive

Get all three parts in this bundle class at a steep discount.